By: Kimberly Jenkins Access article
Judge Alan Lemons is a strong advocate for children of all ages and he has been running the drug court program for years and in the past year and a half, he has worked with Groundwork Ohio and the Children’s Defense Fund- Ohio to expand the Safe Babies Court Team (SBCT) approach in Ohio through standing up infant-toddler court teams in Cuyahoga, Montgomery and Scioto Counties under the leadership of Judge Kristin Sweeney, Judge Helen Wallace and himself.
The Ohio Infant-Toddler Court Team Expansion Project intends to transform the experience of infants and toddlers and their families involved in the court system so that they can be safe, loved and thrive, and to enable communities to be non-adversarial, racially, and culturally equitable, and collaborative as they address the problems that interfere with the health and well-being of children and families. We will create a future where all families have the capacities, resources, and supports to care for and nurture their children.