We aim “to set [children’s] feet upon surer paths to health and well-being and happiness… Let no one believe that these are questions which should not stir a nation; that they are below the dignity of statesmen or governments. If we could have but one generation of properly born, trained, educated, and healthy children, a thousand other problems of government would vanish.” -President Herbert Hoover
This week, Groundwork Ohio, along with PNC, PRE4CLE, Invest in Children, United Way of Summit County, and Summit Education Initiative, convened business leaders from Northeast Ohio to discuss the importance of early childhood education at our Breakfast Briefings in Cleveland and Akron. Katharine Stevens, Resident Scholar of Education Policy at the American Enterprise Institute, joined us once again to share her insights on early childhood education policy for our state. Her report, Workforce of Today, Workforce of Tomorrow: The Business Case for High-Quality Childcare published by the US Chamber of Commerce Foundation, outlines the multigenerational impact quality childcare can have on our economy. Stevens laid out the state of early childhood education in Ohio and outlined the ways we can improve child care and education (check out some of her presentation highlights below). The Breakfast Briefings concluded with a call to action for our business leaders and child advocates to work together and ensure Ohio kids are given a foundation for lifelong success.
In order to focus these efforts, Groundwork Ohio and the Ohio Children's Hospital Association (OCHA) formally launched the Vote for Ohio Kids Campaign earlier this week. Vote for Ohio Kids is an effort dedicated to ensuring all 2018 gubernatorial candidates commit to making early childhood education and healthcare a top priority. As the campaign gains momentum, we are coalescing business, healthcare, and education leaders as well as child advocates to elevate these issues. To learn more about the campaign and join the coalition, visit VoteforOhioKids.org. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook to stay updated on the campaign!
Workforce of Today, Workforce of Tomorrow Presentation Highlights