Amplifying Family Voice to Advance Equitable Outcomes for Young Children
Research shows that when parents and families are more engaged, children do better. Yet more often than not, families are left out of policy conversations and decisions that directly impact the health, development, and well-being of their children. A new report released this week by the Center for Family Voice at Groundwork Ohio examines best practices to put families at the center of early childhood policy development and makes recommendations on how Ohio can better empower families to drive change and improve the healthy development of young children. You can click here to watch a recording of the report release webinar and you can visit the Center's new webpage by clicking here.
Raising Our Future: America's Child Care Dilemma
The PBS NewsHour, one of the nation’s most trusted nightly news sources, has produced an upcoming week-long series on child care in the United States entitled Raising Our Future: America’s Child Care Dilemma. The series is scheduled to run in five segments over the course of the week of July 12th.
Each segment will have a specific focus that will be covered in a 7-10 minute package and we anticipate that the particular needs of infants and toddlers will be woven throughout the series. Join us in promoting the series via this pre-broadcast toolkit as part of our efforts to expand an understanding of this critical issue.
Final State Budget Includes Critical Investments in Young Children
Thanks to the tireless efforts of early childhood champions like you, we successfully made the case that Ohio must invest in proven strategies such as quality child care, maternal and infant health, and home visiting services.
We know we've asked a lot of you these past few months, but it's important that we now thank policymakers for investing in our youngest children. Please write to your state legislators and Governor DeWine and thank them for investing in Ohio’s youngest children in the state budget!
Stakeholder Survey on the Maternal and Child Health Block Grant
The federal Maternal and Child Health Services Block Grant Program, or Title V program, envisions a country in which all mothers, children – including children with special health care needs – and their families are healthy and thriving. In Ohio, the Title V program supports state-level public health infrastructure and local programs, often in conjunction with other federal and state funds.
The Ohio Department of Health is requesting Title V stakeholders to participate in a survey to provide input on the way these federal funds will be spent to serve you and Ohio families. The public comment survey will be active July 1st through July 31st.
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