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ReadyNation Releases New Child Care Report

Groundwork Ohio would like to wish you a fun, safe and relaxing holiday weekend with your family. This year, celebrating the holiday may look a little different than in years past, but this shouldn't stop you from doing fun 4th of July-themed activities with the little ones in your life! Click here for some fun and simple ideas to do while you are at home.


This week, ReadyNation Ohio released a new report highlighting the impact Ohio's child care crisis has on our state's economy. Without reliable child care for young children ages 0-3, the U.S. faces an annual cost of $57 billion in lost earnings, productivity, and revenue. In Ohio, this boils down to an upwards of $1.7 billion in annual cost to our economy. If families cannot find child care, they are stuck between a rock and a hard place to either seek care from families, friends, neighbors, or unlicensed care or drop out of the workforce. The message is abundantly clear: to have a successful and stable economy, we must support the workforce behind the workforce... child care. Before the pandemic, we were already losing far too much of our annual revenue due to the high cost and insufficient supply of child care. The pandemic has only exacerbated this issue. We now stand to lose up to 45% of our child care supply, which will greatly impact our ability to fully recover from this crisis.  So, how do we turn this crisis around and strengthen our child care system? We need federal, state, and local policymakers, business leaders, advocates, and philanthropy to do their part by speaking up for early childhood investments in order to support our must vulnerable children and their families and, in turn, our state's economic well-being. We need you to act now by taking these two simple steps below.

  1. Ask your members of Congress to support the Child Care Is Essential Act, which would provide emergency funding for child care. We already drafted a message, tweet, and prompt for you to send and call your members. Click here to get started.

  2. Send a tweet regarding ReadyNation Ohio's report by clicking here.


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