Tune in today as Governor Mike DeWine delivers his first State of the State address at the Ohio Statehouse at 12 pm. Governor DeWine, who made strong commitments to investing in quality early education programs throughout his campaign, says that his State of the State address will maintain a similar focus.
"I don't think you'll find any great surprises. We're going to talk about the things we've been talking about. Early childhood development. We're going to talk about the lead paint problem. Health issues," said Governor DeWine. "I've outlined what we think should be the agenda of this administration and those are things we're going to talk about." If you can't watch the address live, be sure to follow Groundwork Ohio on Facebook and Twitter--we will be sharing live updates throughout.
Join the Conversation on Social Media
Child advocates from around the state will be sharing their response to Governor DeWine's State of the State address on social media--make sure your voice is heard! Check out some of the sample tweets below or debrief with the Ohio Children's Budget starting at 2 PM by following #StateofOHKids on Twitter!
State of the State Sample Tweets
Today, @GovMikeDeWine delivers his first #StateOfTheState, outlining the top priorities for his administration over the coming year--especially his plans for investing in Ohio's youngest learners! Investing in quality #earlyed will make the #StateofOhio stronger for all of us!
@GovMikeDeWine delivers his first #StateOfTheState today and we can't wait to hear him reaffirm his plans for investing in Ohio's littlest learners. Quality #earlyed programs improve outcomes for our most at-risk kids & offer a large return on state investment--upwards of 13%
Tune in to today's #StateOfTheState where @GovMikeDeWine will be sharing his plans for investing in quality #ECE in Ohio. We are lucky to have a governor who understands the huge impact quality early learning can have for kids & for our state as a whole! http://ow.ly/Fgxl30nVcy5