Following the release of the FY24-25 Budget Bill, Groundwork Ohio is disappointed to share that the amended House Bill 33 represents cuts to child care and cuts to the Governor's proposed budget. It is critical that your State Representative hears the importance of child care provisions from voices like YOURS.
Not included in this bill:
The $150 million of state ARPA funds proposed to support child care scholarships and infant-toddler child care has been eliminated.
Both of Groundwork Ohio's proposed amendments for additional GRF investments in child care or preschool were excluded.
Included in the bill are the following provisions:
The publicly funded child care eligibility expansion to 160% of the FPL has been maintained.
The Governor’s proposed expansion of Early Childhood Education grants has been maintained.
The Department of Children & Youth has also been maintained.
As the Ohio House Finance Committee finalizes the bill before recommending it to the full chamber, it is imperative that Big Voices like YOURS are heard to the end of the process. Please send a message to your state representative to advocate for the following priorities:
Restore $150 million of state ARPA funds dedicated to supporting child care scholarships for critical care occupations and infant/toddler child care.
Invest additional state funds in child care through our amendments as drafted.