This week, we released the Ohio Early Childhood Race and Rural Equity Report to bring greater understanding among policymakers and stakeholders of how race and location matters to the policies, institutions, and systems that shape the future for children and families in Ohio. The report explores the undeniable and sobering truth that some children are much more likely to start behind, and thus will stay behind, than others. While these children include those living in poverty, the data illustrates that poverty alone does not tell the whole story. A child’s race foretells a distinct and critical narrative that must be examined separately to fully understand the problem, as even those children of color who are not poor are too often not achieving at the rate of their white peers. The report also finds that while some children share similar heartbreaking outcomes in both urban and rural parts of the state, Appalachian children experience unique barriers that must be understood. Failing to acknowledge these different experiences serves none of them.

At the press conference for the report's release, we were joined by top leaders from both chambers and both parties of the Ohio State Legislature. Each shared their belief in the importance of early childhood investments and their commitment to exploring how we can better support our most at-risk children. Accompanying the full report are an executive summary and series of videos (see above) that explore the main concepts of the report. Interested in learning more? Read the full report.