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​MACPAC Public Comment to Support Extension of Postpartum Coverage (Jan 2021)
HCR 25: Declare a state of emergency on childhood trauma in Ohio (Dec 2020)
SB326: Modify Pregnancy Mortality Review Board (Sept 2020)
SB327: Enact Save Our Mothers Act-equitable birthing (Sept 2020)
SB328: Require Medicaid to cover doula services (Sept 2020)
SRC14: Declare Racism as a Public Health Crisis (June 2020)
HB11: Regards tobacco cessation and prenatal initiatives (June 2020)
Response to Ohio Department of Medicaid RFI (March 2020)
Children Services Transformation Advisory Council (Jan 2020)
Ohio House: Finance Subcommittee on Health and Human Services (Mar 2017)
Ohio Senate: Finance Subcommittee on Health and Medicaid (May 2017)
Ohio Senate: Finance Committee (June 2017)