You’re invited to Groundwork Ohio’s virtual event Laying the Groundwork Summit: in the Ohio House on Friday, March 19th from 10:00-11:30 AM. During the event, you’ll learn….
why quality early childhood experiences matters for Ohio kids, families and communities;
how Ohio’s FY22-23 budget supports Ohio’s youngest children and their families;
how key state policymakers are elevating the needs of young children and families during state budget deliberations; and,
and how you can engage in early childhood budget advocacy.
Stay tuned for a special announcement regarding the keynote speaker and legislative panel for this event.
Following the event, you are invited to participate in our Making this Moment a Movement 5-day Virtual Advocacy Challenge where we you will commit 5 minutes of your time each day for 5 days as we provide you easy opportunities to elevate your voice and influence statewide policy. We are calling on parents, caregivers, early childhood professionals, community leaders, policymakers, business owners, advocates and more to share their stories at the Statehouse and urge legislators to invest in the future of all young children in Ohio. Together, we will make this moment a movement!
You’re invited to join Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Voices and Groundwork Ohio for a webinar on March 5th from 10:00-11:00 AM on why access to child care is important to small businesses as a key workforce issue. Throughout the webinar, you will have the opportunity to hear from small business owners about why child care matters to them and how small businesses can partner with early childhood advocates to address this issue. Speakers will also discuss what can be done through local, state, and federal policies to expand access to child care. Guest speakers include:
Mayor Andrew Ginther, City of Columbus
Janetta King, Midwest Regional Director for Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Voices
Sharon DeLay, President of GO-HR
Haleema Shafeek, President of GOFS Commercial Interiors
Jarrod Turner, CEO of TBT Construction Services Inc.
Shannon Jones, Executive Director of Groundwork Ohio
Ohio's state biennial budget process is now in full swing, but what does this budget mean for pregnant women, infants, toddlers and their families? Join us on Friday, March 12th from 10:00 - 11:30 AM as we provide stakeholders with an update on the state biennial budget and what is needed to ensure that young children and families remain a top priority in the budget. During the meeting, you will have the opportunity hear from the following esteemed panel in addition to some special legislative guests:
Director Maureen Corcoran, Ohio Department of Medicaid
Dyane Gogan Turner, Chief of the Bureau of Maternal, Child and Family Health at Ohio Department of Health
Reem Aly, Vice President at Health Policy Institute of Ohio
Zach Reat, Director, Data Management and Analysis at the Health Policy Institute of Ohio
The discussion will be facilitated by Lynanne Gutierrez, Assistant Director and Legal Counsel of Groundwork Ohio. We hope you will join us for this important conversation to learn more about the state biennial budget and how to engage with Ready, Set, Soar Ohio's throughout the process.
Groundwork Submits Budget Testimony
This week, Groundwork submitted budget testimonies before the Ohio House Finance Subcommittee on Primary and Secondary Education and the Finance Subcommittee on Health and Human Services. In these three testimonies, Groundwork expressed support for the budget proposals submitted by the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities, Ohio Department of Education, and Ohio Department of Medicaid and offered strategies to better support young children and families in the budget.
The Importance of Child Care to Ohio Businesses
On Thursday, the Columbus Chamber of Commerce hosted a webinar with their members where they announced a new partnership with Groundwork Ohio. This partnership aims to educate and engage business leaders on why early learning and healthy development is a workforce issue and what can be done to better support the workforce of today and the workforce of tomorrow. You can watch the recording of the event by clicking the link below and entering the following password: GS022021.

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