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NEW RESOURCE to Support MIECHV Advocacy in Ohio

Dear Groundwork Team:

I spent part of my week at the Partners Summit for the Alliance for Early Success. As we are already busy laying the groundwork for a successful 2018, I was grateful to glean information from other states and our national partners in this work, particularly as it relates to election advocacy strategies. As part of the Summit, I participated in the annual meeting of the national Home Visiting Advocates Community of Practice where our agenda focused on the impact of the Maternal, Infant and early Childhood Home Visiting program (MIECHV) reauthorization on home visiting advocacy across the nation and election advocacy strategies. Many may not realize that CHIP isn't the Only Program for Children and Babies that Congress Let Expire. MIECHV is a critical component of Ohio's evidence-based home visiting programs that are driving outcomes for babies and families across the state with a total of 10,132 visits to families living in poverty in FY17. As we continue to educate our congressional delegation and advocate that they act quickly to reauthorize MIECHV, we have created a new resource featured below to support our advocates across the state that are helping us push for action on this important issue.

Shannon Jones

Executive Director

NEW RESOURCE: Support your MIECHV advocacy by downloading and sharing this two page fact sheet on why Ohio families need MIECHV to be reauthorized now!

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