Advocacy Training:
This week, Groundwork Executive Director, Shannon Jones, presented at the Corporation for Appalachain Development (COAD) annual conference in Chillicothe, Ohio this week. COAD is a group of 17 rural community action agencies working together to ameliorate the burden of poverty for Appalachian Ohioans.
Shannon provided advocacy training for members including how to build relationships with policy makers in Ohio's current political landscape. Interested in having Groundwork provide early childhood advocacy training for your group? Contact us!

Groundwork congratulates Senator Peggy Lehner, Chair of the Senate Education Committee, and Representative Andy Brenner, Chair of the House Education and Career Readiness Committee, on their appointment to ECAC. The council, which provides input and guidance to Governor Kasich's administration, will benefit immensely from having the passion and experience of these legislators who are committed to Ohio kids.
August is National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM)!
Health and safety practices, including immunization, are the foundation of quality child care settings. Early childhood programs have an important role to play by ensuring their own staff are vaccinated, verifying the immunization status of children, and educating parents about the benefits of following the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's immunization schedule. Join Groundwork in getting the word out by using the American Academy of Pediatric's Immunization Social Media Toolkit. This powerful toolkit includes this message from a Cincinnati, OH pediatrician: