Transforming the Experience of Infants & Toddlers in Ohio's Child Welfare System
In August, Groundwork Ohio and the Children's Defense Fund-Ohio announced a new partnership to expand the Safe Babies Court Team (SBCT) approach in Ohio through standing up infant-toddler court teams in Cuyahoga, Montgomery, and Scioto counties. Earlier this month, the statewide advisory committee met for the first time to dive further into what the Safe Baby Court Team approach looks like and what to expect moving forward (access presentation here).
Interested in learning more about what the Safe Babies Court Team approach looks like? Check out our new resource.
Thank You, Senator Peggy Lehner
This week, Senator Peggy Lehner bid farewell to the Ohio Senate as her term comes to a close.
During her time in the legislature, Senator Lehner has continuously put children at the front and center of her policy priorities and has worked diligently with members on both sides of the aisle to move the needle on outcomes for young children and their families.
We are grateful for her support and leadership over the years and wish her the best in her future endeavors.
Highlighting Local Success: Preschool Promise
Throughout the pandemic, our friends at Dayton-Montgomery County Preschool Promise have found creative ways to engage with families. Through their Preschool Promise Plus program, they provide families with activity boxes, a book-of-the-month, accompanying videos, a postcard with tips, birthday cards, and more each month to encourage young children to continue to learn and play while they are at home. By meeting families where they are, Preschool Promise is working to support young children’s learning and development despite current challenges.
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