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State Budget Testimony Social Media Blitz

Thank you for joining Groundwork on social media today as we deliver testimony concerning Ohio’s state budget investments in quality early care and education before the House Finance: Health and Human Services Subcommittee.

We expect testimony to begin at 3:00 p.m. or after House Session has concluded in Ohio Statehouse Room 313. You can join this important conversation by following us live on Facebook at “Groundwork Ohio” and on Twitter @GroundworkOhio. Share your own thoughts and use the hashtag #LaytheGroundwork in addition to sharing the following posts on your own social media accounts! FB/Tweet #1: High quality programs = high quality outcomes = high ROI. #laythegroundwork @heckmanequation

FB/Tweet #2: Quality birth-to-5 programs for disadvantaged children can deliver a 13% per year ROI. #laythegroundwork @heckmanequation **use this graphic** FB/Tweet #3: 50% of young children (0-6) in OH live in low-income families. #laythegroundwork @NCCP FB/Tweet #4: Every Ohio child needs quality #ECE, but our most vulnerable children stand to benefit the most. #laythegroundwork FB/Tweet #5: Investing in #ECE is the smart strategy, even during difficult budgets. #laythegroundwork A special thank you to Chairman Romanchuk and Ranking Member Emilia Sykes for the opportunity to share our thoughts. You can connect with them too at @RepRomanchuk and @EmiliaSykesOH.

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