Thank you for joining Groundwork on social media today as we deliver testimony concerning Ohio’s state budget investments in quality early care and education before the House Finance: Health and Human Services Subcommittee.
We expect testimony to begin at 3:00 p.m. or after House Session has concluded in Ohio Statehouse Room 313. You can join this important conversation by following us live on Facebook at “Groundwork Ohio” and on Twitter @GroundworkOhio. Share your own thoughts and use the hashtag #LaytheGroundwork in addition to sharing the following posts on your own social media accounts! FB/Tweet #1: High quality programs = high quality outcomes = high ROI. #laythegroundwork @heckmanequation
FB/Tweet #2: Quality birth-to-5 programs for disadvantaged children can deliver a 13% per year ROI. #laythegroundwork @heckmanequation **use this graphic** FB/Tweet #3: 50% of young children (0-6) in OH live in low-income families. #laythegroundwork @NCCP FB/Tweet #4: Every Ohio child needs quality #ECE, but our most vulnerable children stand to benefit the most. #laythegroundwork FB/Tweet #5: Investing in #ECE is the smart strategy, even during difficult budgets. #laythegroundwork A special thank you to Chairman Romanchuk and Ranking Member Emilia Sykes for the opportunity to share our thoughts. You can connect with them too at @RepRomanchuk and @EmiliaSykesOH.